
Upcoming workshops for drivers and non-drivers

12 May 2023

Would you like to feel more comfortable in your car? Do you want to review your driving practices and knowledge? Or are you looking for tips on adjusting to life without a car? Check out some of the following workshops.

Staying Safe driver refresher course

Brought to you by Age Concern Nelson Tasman, these free courses provide opportunities for people to review their driving practices and knowledge. The interactive sessions will feature a driving instructor and plenty of time for questions. Sessions limited to 25 attendees.

Session dates:

  • Thursday 22 June | 10:00 to 12:30pm | Nelson Hinemoa Croquet Club, Nelson (corner of Haven & Halifax streets)
  • Thursday 17 August 10:00 to 12:30pm | Waimea Plains, Richmond
  • Wednesday 6 September 10:00 to 12:30pm | Nelson Golf Club, Tāhunanui

AA CarFit

CarFit is a free 20-minute ‘in your car’ safety check assessment to help people find the proper fit for their vehicle.

Trained community volunteers and/or health professionals help people review their driver seat, steering height, and wing mirror positioning to ensure they are comfortable and have good visibility.

Learn why the proper fit in your vehicle is essential for both your safety and the safety of others on the road.

Date: Friday 26 May, 10:00 – 3:00pm, Hinemoa Croquet Club, Saltwater Creek Lane, Nelson

Life without a car course

Adjusting to life without a car doesn’t have to mean losing independence and freedom.

This free information session will help older adults find ways to stay connected to whānau, friends and places in their community without having to drive.

The course explores alternative ways to remain mobile, how to stay involved with activities, and insights for adapting to a lifestyle without driving.

Date: Thursday 29 June, 10:00 – 11:30am, Waimea Plains Retirement Village Clubhouse.

For more information about these courses or to make a booking, please call Jackie at Age Concern Nelson Tasman on 021 195 8108.