
Vision for Ageing in Aotearoa Webinar Series

30 September 2020

International Day of Older Persons on 1 October each year is a day to celebrate older people – to highlight the value of all older people and to promote dignity and respect.

This year Age Concern New Zealand and the New Zealand Association of Gerontology are gifting the nation a free webinar series over 5 Thursdays in October. This will include two panel discussions, one on housing and the other reflecting on Covid-19.

The Reflections on Covid-19 panel fits very well with this year’s International Day of the Older Person theme of Pandemics: Do They Change How We Address Age and Ageing?

With speakers including Distinguished Professor Paul Spooney, Dr Ashley Bloomfield, Dr Makarena Dudley and Professor Vanessa Burholt there will something to interest everyone.

“Our goal is to get people taking about issues and opportunities we will face as we get older and as our population ages, says Stephanie Clare, Age Concern New Zealand Chief Executive.

Unfortunately, ageism is one of the most tolerated forms of social prejudice. Ageism can be experienced by people at any age and in any setting including workplaces, communities and in our own homes.

“It’s time to value the experience older people, to look at challenges around ageing and find solutions so we can all age well. My hope is that this webinar series will start those conversations.

“I invite you all to go to our website to register for the first webinar on 1 October and also sign up to be an Age Concern New Zealand Dignity Champion at the same time” says Stephanie.

An Age Concern Dignity Champion pledges to:

  • Reject stereotypes and focus on the uniqueness of every individual
  • Speak up when they hear people speaking negatively about growing old
  • Have the courage to question practices they feel are disrespectful to older people
  • Not patronise older people
  • Be patient, polite and friendly
  • Have zero tolerance for abuse or neglect
  • Build relationships – they combat isolation